The Beginning
The first meeting of the West Point Society of San Francisco was held in 1948 at the Presidio where the alumni of the United States Military Academy, officers stationed with the Sixth Army at the Presidio, those that retired from Active Duty, and who saw action in World War I and II, elected Harold F. Nichols, Class of 1913, as the Society's first president.
It is supposed that the original name of the group was the West Point Society of San Francisco. It was not until many years later that the concept of a Bay Area society emerged.
The charter now reads:
The objective of the Society is to provide a nonprofit, charitable organization in which graduates and former cadets of the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, may continue their associations and through which they may cooperate to further the ideals of their Alma Mater.
Mary Paul and the Society
For the very few that don't know, Mary Paul faithfully served as Secretary, Scribe, Administrative Assistant and sometimes acting President of the Society. She served the Society for the past 40 years and has been the link of Grads in the Bay area to West Point.
Mary Paul's association began in 1958 when she was assigned as a secretary to COL Robert S. Ports '30. COL Ports was Headquarters Commandant of Special Troops at the Presidio at that time and simultaneously served on the Board of Governor's as Secretary to the Society. As Mary Paul stated, "he loved to write and had me assist in keeping the records of the Society". He retired in 1960, but because Mary Paul did such an outstanding job, she was asked to keep the Board's files and did so for many years.
Past Presidents
1948 - 1950: Harold F. Nichols, '13 1977 - 1979: Douglas J.O'Connor, '54
1950 - 1951: George W. Sliney, '13 1979 - 1981: Richard M. Connell, '49
1951 - 1953: Edwin H. Marks, '09 1981 - 1983: Wilmot R. McCutchen, '39
1953 - 1954: Dwight F. Johns, '16 1983 - 1984: John S. Harnett, '40
1954 - 1955: James L. Hayden, 'Apr 17 1984 - 1985: Homer Johnstone, '57
1955 - 1957: James A. Dorst, '13 1985 - 1986: William L. Schwartz, '59
1957 - 1958: James L. Hayden, 'Apr 17 1986 - 1988: F. WhitneyHall, '57
1958 - 1959: Claude B. Ferenbaugh, ' 19 1988 - 1989: Darryle L. Kouns, '60
1959 - 1960: Hammond M. Monroe, 'Nov 18 1989 - 1991: Jack P. Hug, '60
1960 - 1962: Paul D. Berngan, '27 1991 - 1993: Mercer E. Ferguson, '73
1962 - 1963: Henry B. Lewis, '13 1993 - 1994: Daniel C. Balough, '69
1963 - 1964: Henry R. McKenzie, '29 1994 - 1995: John C. Dashiell, '75
1964 - 1965: John J. Binns, '23 1995 - 1997: Philip G. Connolly, '82
1965 - 1966: William B.Krnunig, '32 1998 - 1999: Kip C. Edwards, '76
1966 - 1968: James W. Coutts, '32 2000 - 2001: Howard G. Curtis, '69
1968 - 1969: James L. Richardson, '30 2001 - 2002: Kip C. Edwards, '76
1969 - 1970: Arthur H. Frye, '35 2002 - 2004: Robert A. Luster, '81
1970 - 1972: Henry R. McKenzie, '29 2004 - 2008: Lawrence M. Davis, '71
1973 - 1974: John F. Franklin Jr., '34 2008 - 2009: Joseph C. DeMike, '98
1974 - 1975: James O. Boswell, '33 2009 - 2010: David W. Borgognoni, '98
1975 - 1976: HowardN. Smalley, '37 2010 - 2011: Nathan A. Grant, '01
1976 - 1977: David S. Parker, '40 2011 - 2018: Charles Correll, '89
Recent History
1995. For fiscal year 1995, membership rose to 195. The Society held their Founders Day dinner for the last time at the Presidio Officers Club. MG Mallory was the featured speaker. The Society hosted a dinner for the coaches, players and parents of the Army Rugby in May 1995. The Rugby team competed in the National Collegiate Championships held at UC-Berkeley on 6 - 7 May 1995. It was a rare event to have a team from the Academy compete in our local area and thanks to all members that attended the dinner and to those that were cheering the team at the field. Unfortunately, Army suffered a heartbreaking loss (by 1 point) in the semi-final match, at the hands (and feet) of the Air Force Academy.
1996. For fiscal year 1996, membership in the Society stands at 180 and should reach or exceed 195 by year end. The Society held their Founders Day dinner for the first time outside the Presidio on 16 March 1996 at the Hyatt Regency in Burlingame. The evening began at 6:00 pm in the breathtaking 10-Story Atrium Lobby with 147 in attendance. Phil Connolly '82, our Society President, acted as the evening's MC and introduced the Society's oldest graduate, James Brett '30. Vernon Gilbert '39 gave us his very interesting remarks representing the oldest graduates. David C. Stone '89 was introduced as our youngest graduate in attendance. MG (Ret) Joseph P. Franklin '55 spoke at the event. The Official West Point Society of the San Francisco Bay Area Home Page or Web Site officially hit the Net on March 11, 1996 at
1997. On 15 March 1997, the West Point Society of the San Francisco Bay Area held its Annual Founder's Day Celebration at the Saint Francis Yacht Club in the Marina, San Francisco in conjunction with the West Point Society of Silicon Valley. The event was almost a sell-out as 196 Graduates and guests were in attendance. LTG (Ret) Willard W. Scott '48, was the key note speaker. The Oldest Graduate and Youngest Graduates gave excellent remarks. The location was superb offering a sunset view of San Francisco's famed Golden Gate Bridge.
1998. On March 13, 1998, General Dennis Reimer spoke to us about "America's Army" and on March 27, 1998 the West Point Society of the San Francisco Bay Area held its Annual Founder's Day Celebration. The Founders Day dinner was held at the Lakeside Club in Oakland and the featured speaker was the Superintendent, LTG Dan Christman. LTG Christman graced us with his fine speaking, provided much insight into our ever-evolving Rock-Bound Highland Home, and had some interesting stories about inspiring the 90s high school students to consider West Point as part of their future.
2008. GEN John Abizaid, '73 spoke at Founders Day.
2009. COL Joe Felter, '87 spoke at Founders Day.
2010. LTC Reid Sawyer, '92 spoke at Founders Day.
2011. LTG David Huntoon Jr., 73, Superintendent, spoke at Founders Day.
2012. BG H.R. McMaster, '84 spoke at Founders Day.
2013. MAJ Scott Smiley, '03, the Army's first active duty blind company commander, spoke at Founders Day.
2014. LTG Robert Caslen, '75, Superintendent West Point, spoke at Founders Day.
2015. Paul "Buddy" Bucha, '65, Medal of Honor Recipient, spoke at Founders Day.
2016. CPT Kevin W. Mott, '07, spoke at Founders Day.
2017. William P. "Bill" Foley, '67, spoke at Founders Day.